Friday, November 16, 2007

The "A" Ticket - Part 3 the 1970's (and 80's)

We start the 70's with an "A" ticket from May 1971 (also the Month and Year Magic Mountain opened in nearby Valencia, Ca.) Looking very much Like the May 1968 ticket from yesterday's post, but Sleeping Beauty's Castle is back from the "B" ticket! Notice now she gets the proper "s" after "Beauty", it always sounded odd without the "s".

February 1974 introduces the smaller size that will remain until the bitter end (1981). I guess there also was some confusion about the vehicles that would be available so for a few years, they were simply listed as "Main Street Vehicles", my favorite Omnibus wasn't deemed worthy of its own ink! Was Eisner around in 1974? OMG, Sleeping Beauty's Castle is gone AGAIN!!!

Last of line, this May 1980 "A" ticket is the latest I can find, they may have printed them after that, but I have yet to find any. 10 Cents is no longer stated, as was the case on all lettered tickets by the late 70's. Main Street got its individual vehicles back, and Sleep Beauty's Castle is once again back on the "A" ticket!

LAWYER ALERT: Notice the asterisk on certain attractions, from the back of the ticket book (shown below). "Children under seven must be accompanied by an adult on most attractions except those marked by an asterisk (*)". So I guess you could let those under 7 roam freely and unattended in the theaters, the castle, Mission to Mars? American Sings? Submarine Voyage?Does this make sense to anyone?????

By late 1981, the end of the ticket books was near. Most tickets printed during late 1981 and early 1982 are the general A thru E one ticket fits all type (a September 1981 book is shown below). To me these are kind of boring and since there seems to be a flood of them still unused, I think there we just for the holdouts as the "passport" had become the ticket of choice, allowing you admission and access to all rides, over and over....

I hope you enjoyed this "A" ticket series, I sure did.

This weekend; Saturday we will have the First Ever TikiRoom tickets as promised, then for Sunday, I'll post some really odd stuff.... Next Week, The "B" Ticket!

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