Saturday, May 10, 2008

Main Street Electrical Parade - Part 2

On Part one's post (link) I mentioned a rumor of the Main Street Electrical Parade coming back to Disneyland. Nothing new to report, but there's more “Farewell, Main Street Electrical Parade” stuff to post so here we go.

Here is the invitation to the Annual Pass Holder Farewell Parade held on October 17, 1996. Pete's head is showing thru a little cut-out window on the cover.

The inside, Pete sure does look bright and shinny on this thick black paper.

The ticket itself, nice art work.

Neat stuff on the back that says by you walking thru the gate, Disneyland can use your likeness on film or video and pay you nothing. Say "Cheese" for the Mouse.

And lastly, I know you wanted to see the envelope, so here ya go.

See you on Bonus Sunday!

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