Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Modern Screen - August 1955

Taking a look at yet another Vintage Magazine, this time it’s Modern Screen from August 1955. The Disneyland article inside is fun, but a little short and lacking in details and nomenclature. The rest of the magazine is splendid however; check out some of the articles/profiles down below after the Disneyland pages.

The table of contents, I’ve pulled some of the highlights for this post, let me know if you see something you’d like to read. Yes I take requests!

Who are Marla and Larry and why have they invaded this article on Disneyland?

Neato models, it reminds me of the “Dioramas” we would make in grade school except mine were pretty lame.

Some back stage photos, looks like the park wasn’t even open yet.

Here are a few two page articles or profiles on some of the big stars in August 1955.

James Bryon Dean. Spooky focus on driving fast cars.

If only I could whistle! Kim Novak sure looks, um, well she sure does huh?

This article is obviously mis-titled; it should read “Why I don’t understand my Husband(s) says Liz Taylor".

No wire hangers!!! Joan Crawford's look seems the complete opposite of Kim Novak. I like Kim's look better....

I'm not commenting here, you can add your own caption.

Again, let me know if you’d like to see more of this magazine, maybe I’ll scan the whole thing for Bonus Sunday? Please note the "Surprise Bonus Pocket Pinups" mentioned on the cover are missing from this magazine, rats!

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