Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Twain Ticket of a Different Color

On Tuesday's post (link) we saw a forth color for the beautiful original Mark Twain tickets. Today we present a fifth color, the elusive "gray" ticket.

These two scans were sent in by a regular and valued reader of the blog, thank you! This gray ticket (and its yellow sibling below) are ultra-vintage, the date of "Aug. 2, 1955" seems accurate given the low serial numbers. These "grays" seem to be the rarest of them all, this is only the second one I have seen. Although I think my "X" serial number ticket from Tuesday's post it rather rare also.

These are just so fun to look at aren't they? Close your eyes and you can hear the steam whistle and the bell.... "Secure all cargo... Engine room, ahead one quarter, sound off, mark one.... Mark Twain......"

On my last visit to Disneyland I rode the Mark Twain at night, I had a great full day at the park, best memory, riding aboard the Mark Twain at night...

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