Monday, January 11, 2010

Saturday Evening Post from January 5, 1957

Welcome to Magazine Monday. Following up on last weeks Magazine “Post” (link) this Saturday Evening Post from January 5, 1957 is the final part of an eight part series, “My Dad, Walt Disney” by Diane Disney Miller.

Great photo of Walt, there sure seems to be a lot going on in his mind.

Diane really has some great information about Walt. I wonder if this article (in all its eight parts) is available at the new Walt Disney Museum?

Very interesting details about Walt and his “Disneyland”. Diane says before the park was built “his conversations about it at home became so sweeping that I didn’t take him seriously”.

Wow, Diane really ends the article with a sweet touch “When I was a little girl, I thought he was the wisest man in the world. Now that I’m grown up and married to Ron – well, Ron’s pretty smart too. But my loyalty isn’t divided, it’s doubled. I’m still Walt Disney’s daughter, and I’ll always be proud of him”.

Some of the other articles is this magazine have the most amazing artwork. Did they really do this every week? Ok, I barely read this one, the artwork tells the story well enough for me!

Take care of your sister".

Did ladies really look like this in 1957?

This dude looks super ticked off…

How about three beauties by GM? Buick took out the only two page car advertisement in this issue. I had a 1956 Buick (in Blue) and I must admit, this 1957 is even better looking, they really did make it longer and lower.

Pontiac’s Got a Hit! Can’t you just picture the Ricardo’s in the front seat and the Mertz’s in the back seat all singing “California Here I Come”.

Wow that Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Coupe is beautiful, but I bet she’s a handful in the snow.

GM had a “Euclid Division” that was news to me, some GM fan I am! Looks like GM gave it up in 1968 after a long anti-trust suit from the Department of Justice (link).

Dedicated to Viewliner Ltd. Wouldn’t you love to get a brand new one of these with that ribbon it?

Weird picture, scary looking car, that front end looks like it eats small children.

32.09 miles per gallon, what? Go Rambler! “See Disneyland – great TV for all the family over ABC Network

How unbelievably cool is this dessert? Check out the directions; you (the housewife) waits until that brief window in time when the Jell-o is “almost firm” to insert the animal crackers. Talk about dedication.

This is one of the neatest little machines. My grandpa used to use one of these at his work and it always fascinated me. Can you image, a machine that records a record (with groves) on a plastic belt? These were later updated with “magnetic tape belts” that could be recorded over & over.

The 1950’s had some seriously greasy fries and fatty steaks!

Smoking is deadly and stupid, please don’t do it. But in 1957, you had at least 12 great reasons to smoke, one for each month. In case you're curious, “L.S./M.F.T.” stands for; “Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco”.

I have two other parts, but neither talks about Disneyland, if anyone has the others to share, let me know.

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