Monday, February 8, 2010

Family Fun Night at Disneyland - Feb. 8, 1972

Its Family Fun Night at Disneyland, February 8, 1975. Once again the NVJCC is sponsoring a Private Party at Disneyland.

This set of photo’s is from September 1973, but they’re a “family” and its close to 1975. You might remember this motley crew from a New Years Eve post (link). "Squints" has grown up a little. Not sure what's going on with Glasses & Hat lady, but WOW! These snap-shots have the weird "silk" finish that was all the rage in 1970's, too bad it doesn't scan so well.

Apparently “Mom” wasn’t the greatest photographer, both of the photo’s she took are “center” challenged.

More of Mom's handy work.

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