Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grad Nite - 1968

Time for some more Grad Nite goodness. All of today’s scans were donated by Randall, whom you’ll see later in this post - thanks Randall!. Grad Nite ’68 was the Eight Annual Grad Nite at Disneyland and a super bargain at $9.00! Did you hear Disneyland is raising its price to $80 for a one day one park ticket (link) “price increases were the result of a regular evaluation of rates” –in other words, just because they can…

No mini-skirts girls, sorry boys!

I posted the Grad Nite ’68 Program in 2009 here (link) which was itself donated my “Stuff from the Park”. Here’s the “Gate Flyer” that lists all the Grad Nite Photo Locations, note the circled location.

Mega entertainment! Bill Elliott and the Disneyland Date Niters! OK, I’m going to jump ahead to a post coming this Saturday and share Side 1 of LP “Date Nite at Disneyland – The Date Niters and the Elliott Bros. Orchestra” This is from an “Argentina” pressing and while a bit scratchy, but after the first few minutes it really starts to rock with some nice High Fidelity! Come back Saturday for Side 2.

Side 1 (link) 14mb – wma format. Crank it up and "Lets Dance!"

"Ann and Randy. Last names withheld to protect the innocent from further embarrassment." Taken from the “New Orleans Square Riverbank (#7)” – cool jacket Randy!

This list of High Schools from the program is different than my previous post, is your High School on here?

A Huge thanks goes out to Randall for sharing his special Grad Nite goodies with us!

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