Monday, August 22, 2011

Halo Magazine - 1986 & 1987

Welcome to Magazine Monday and welcome back to a new post. Two weeks is my longest break since I started this blog back in November 2007! I’ve got plenty to post still and should be able to go without a break for a while now! Today’s Magazine Monday is a two-for-one post, two issues of “Halo Magazine” one from 1986 the other is from 1987.

First up 1986: Wally Joyner was all the rage at the time and apparently started a “Wally World” nickname for the Anaheim Stadium (link).

If you’re a baseball fan (and hopefully an Angels fan) this might be an interesting article, but since it has no Disneyland photos or real mention of Disneyland it’s pretty darn boring to me..

Great Coke advertisement, I’m thirsty!

Back when Mazda made well-built fun little cars that sold well.

Yeah I know, cigs are bad. Soon we’ll have diseased lungs and cancer victim photos on half of the packages and advertisements (link) that might be over-kill (pardon the pun) so for now let’s enjoy a simpler time.

Its 1987 and Wally is back! He still looks 13!

At least this three page article has a couple of Disneyland Photos!

The Coke advertisement from 1986 works better for me, although I do desperately miss the old Lucky markets!

1987 and Mazda’s were still cool!

And cigarettes were still bad but the Marlboro man sure looked cool.

Come back tomorrow for a vintage Angels – Disneyland Double-header post!

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