Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Airlines and the Magic Kingdom

Today’s post it a tribute to the Airline Industry. We just lost a couple more airlines last week, Aloha and ATA both gone, shut down virtually overnight. Let’s take a look back to some brighter times.

It’s May 6, 1972 and Eastern Airlines is the Official Airline of Walt Disney World. Hand written tickets on the great messy red carbon paper, what a way to fly! Eastern was once a big player in the airline industry, they ceased operation in 1991. Eastern and Disney parted ways in 1989.

Who remembers flying with all this stuff? "Ticketless Boarding", never heard of it in 1972!

1983 and Eastern is the “Official Airline” of EPCOT too!

Don’t forget Disneyland!!!! United Air Lines of course, whew, at least they are still around! Check back Sunday for the full post of the neat travel guide. You have until then to decide if you want to rent a Pinto or a Torino. (the Torino is $10 more)

Now as we veer off the Disney sky’s altogether, lets take a trip back a little further into the airline industry. From June 1959 an American Airlines Ticket packet. “First with jets across the U.S.A” Just six months into domestic “jet” travel, these are a neat look back at a simpler time.

“707 Jet Flag Ship” The plane that started a revolution in air travel. A 707 was the first plane I ever flew in, and it will always represent the “Jet Age” to me.

Now we have really traveled back into time. “New York Central Airlines” This odd ticket is not dated, but there is a reference to the safety record of 1929! Note: “No stunt Flying allowed” forget it, now I don’t want to go…

On behalf of Aloha, ATA, Eastern, United, American and New York Central Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to see you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day.

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