Friday, October 15, 2010

Disneyland partially used ticket book - June 1960

Naturally not every vintage Disneyland ticket book is going to be complete. This “just in” book from June 1960 is missing all of its “E” and “A” tickets, but since I’ve got plenty of spare “E’s” and “A’s” its fine with me. In fact, in a way these partially used ticket books are more fun – its neat knowing this book was in the park in the summer of 1960 and some lucky vintage guest tore out some of the tickets and used them.

50 years later I tore out the remaining three tickets and let me tell you it felt great! Too bad you can’t hear that distinct “Snap” sound, it’s intoxicating.

Awesome attraction list. The Monorail still just circles Tomorrowland, Main Street still has a Shooting Gallery (has anyone ever seen interior photos of the MS Shooting Gallery?) and Fantasyland has an Omnibus!

An unbelievable value.

Here’s the cover to the spring 1960 issue of Vacationland.

Swift’s tender-grown premium chicken dinners for $1.75!!!!!

Before C & H had a sack of sugar on the Main Street drinking fountain, Spreckles was the sugar king of Disneyland. Come back on Bonus Sunday for the entire issue.

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