Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Family Fun Party - October 19, 1980

Its October 19, 1980 and Mickey is ready to celebrate "Our special party", in fact its a Family Fun Party! The lucky holder of this ticket gets unlimited use of all attractions (except shooting galleries).

Free Parking! Do you think Mickey really towed your car away (in violation of AMC 14.32.220) if you left it in the lot one hour after closing?

Since we're in 1980, lets take a look at a super Disney News from the Fall of 1980. The cover alone is all I need for this issue to be a keeper, what a great shot of one of my favorite attractions.

An amazing four page article on America Sings, boy do I miss this show, the music, the theater...

"Walt Disney's Greatest Dream" and you're not looking at it....

Nice three page article on the "Two Castles". Hey, some of these old Disney News issues were pretty good!

Yet another nice Disneyland article.

Planning a trip? This page is sure clean and tight, I wonder if computers were used for the layout by 1980?

Now there's two movies I see almost every day on cable.

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