Monday, December 6, 2010

The Magic of the Mountain - Revisted

Its time for another vintage Magic Mountain post, this time the clock is set way back in the parks history. While not dated, this souvenir guide book is most likely from 1971, the year the park opened. A couple of years ago I posted a similar souvenir guide book (link) which was probably from 1973 or 1974.

Be sure and check out the Bonus Video at the end of this post

On the left we’ve got a little history of the Valencia Valley. On the right is some stellar concept art (which leads me to believe this is from 1971) – do you suppose anyone has the original of that concept art?

The two top photos are screaming “before & after” – I’ve still got my 2010 pass, hmmm.

Metro Monorail spotted! Yankee Doodle Dandy was even more boring than it looks.

More METRO Monorail, this time its soaring over El Bumbo. In the video at the end of this post you’ll seem more of El Bumbo than you’ll ever want to see.

Here's my best attempt at now photo (link).

More METRO Monorail! Top right photo – wow that's a wide angle lens! The Spin Out was recently removed, there's just an empty cement slab there now. Eagles Flight – the steel tower route - El Dorado Station (right) was not nearly as high as the concrete tower route - Galaxy Station (left), they both make me want to pass out.

Magic Mountain at Night – is that something like Disneyland after dark? That's the Metro Monorail Contemporary Station on the lower right (link).

The Galaxy did look pretty cool at night – from the ground.

If your'e looking for a “moment of relaxation” you won’t find it at the Oriental Gardens, it’s now the load/unload building for Tatsu. “200 acres with 56 acres reserved for future growth”, I think they’ve used it all and then some, they are currently at 260 acres.

While recently cleaning out my blogger desk, I found an unmarked DVD. I have no idea where I got this or how I got it, but its some great home movie footage so if you’re a vintage Magic Mountain fan (or Knott’s or Lion Country Safari fan) check it out. Its from 1973 or 1974. If you gave me this, thank you.

Here’s a quick synopsis: By the way, the video is a so-so transfer, it has some flicker, so if it gives you a head-ache – stop watching it.

0:00 – 1:30 Film opens at Magic Mountains Valencia Falls, Valencia Terrace restaurant, then its a quick ride on the METRO Monorail over the Log Jammer lagoon & load building,

1:30 – 2:00 Petting zoo.

2:00 - 2:35 Panorama view of the park from a Skybucket on Eagles Flight- Galaxy route. Includes Log Jammer, Metro Station, Gold Rusher, El Bumbo and the Spin Out.

2:35 - 3:00 Walk down the Mountain

3:00 – 5:55 Yes its three entire minutes of EL Bumpo! You get to see the long queue path, the ride and the long exit path – twice!

5:55 – 6:30 The Grad Prix, a "sort of Autopia". The cars were great, but the track was too short and crowded, as you’ll see.

6:30 – 7:10 People being weird, it’s the early 70’s so we’ll let it slide,

7:10 – 7:40 The Trolls, the Wizard and a Band!

On to Knott's Berry Farm:

7:45 – 8:35 Knott’s Ghost Town, Cowboy points gun at Indian?

8:35 – 9:20 Mine Train Ride & Log Ride.

9:20 – 9:40 Don’t blink but it’s a few seconds of the rarely seen Gypsy Camp.

9:40 – 10:15 Back in Ghost Town

Moving on:

10:15 – 11:30 Seals, Dolphins and Coy Fish, is this Japanese Village?

11:30 – 13:48 Lion Country Safari. Looks like they were having some stubborn animal issues toward the end of the footage

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