Sunday, January 27, 2008

Knott's Nickelodeon Music Souvenir Recordings

Here's an odd little Knott's Berry Farm Souvenir Record. I can assume there was a series of these as this one is "No. 402 - Tunes Unknown" Maybe the other tunes in the series were known! This item is not dated, if I had to guess I would say late 50's/early 60's, does anyone know when these where sold?

The back of the record sleeve has a picture of the "Band Piano". I seem to have a vague memory of there being a player piano at Knotts' around 1969 or 1970 (it's about as vague of a memory as the Chicken that played a song on a tiny piano for 25 cents!) Does anyone know where at Knott's this machine was located (the music hall?) and when was it there or was it even there at all?

Here is the record itself. Yes it's on that famous label "Frank Kappler". I love 45's, I have about 600 of them!!!

I know you are just dying to hear what this gem sounds like, so here is the first half of the record. Fortunately I have an old needle for just such occasions. I couldn't figure out how to post "sound"only so you can amuse yourself and watch the record spin around as you listen.

That was funky indeed. I like little odd collectibles like this, I hope you enjoyed it as well.

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