Monday, January 5, 2009

McCall's - February 1956

Welcome to “Magazine Monday” a new weekly post featuring a vintage Magazine relating to or otherwise about Disneyland or Walt Disney World.  This weekly series will continue until the material runs dry - we are good until at least spring.  Sometimes we’ll have just a short article and even some great vintage ads. Oh, and expect the obscure.

Let’s kick off Magazine Monday with McCall’s Magazine from February 1956. McCall’s is one of the first, if not the first women’s magazines. It was published up until 2001 when it was renamed “Rosie” (yup, that Rosie) and promptly ceased publication in 2002 (Link).

These were BIG “Life” sized magazines measuring in at 10 ½ by 13 ½ inches. Super castle picture on the cover, but where is that lady standing?

She sure is a sharp dresser. Looks to me like she is going to fall in? In fact, is she even really there? Was this a pre-Photoshop fixed photo?

Tight fitting trousers and a gay shirt” Hey, I didn’t make it up; I’m just copying what it says!

It feels like we are on a game show with these descriptions of the clothes. What’s Carol Marol wearing today? It must be from “Spiegel, Chicago Ill. 60609”.

How about a few vintage ads? These are a real time capsule of mid 50’s America. New Cascade for the new fangled “automatic” dishwashers, that's an idea that will never catch on.

Mamma Mia that’s a good Pizza! Slick recipe here for some good 50’s style Pizza Pie!

Here’s a fun beer ad. I want to be the guy running the music, how cool is he with a beer in one hand and the other hand turning up the Hi-fi volume, all the while keeping that great smile. “Beer Belongs – Enjoy it” but remember its “America’s Beverage of Moderation”.

After the party guests leave the faithful housewife is going to vacuum up with her fancy Electrolux vacuum. “Sold only on home demonstration by your friendly Electrolux Man

This last scan is not an ad, rather it's something very sobering. Here is a comparison of the 1956 Russian workers daily meals vs. the 1956 USA workers daily meals. Wow, that’s quite a contrast, I am so glad to be living in the USA!

Next weeks “Magazine Monday” will continue in 1956 with a comical look at Disneyland.

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