Thursday, April 16, 2009

Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln - First Ticket

In honor of the upcoming return of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, lets take a close look at some early tickets for old Honest Abe. First let me say I am truly excited about the return of Mr. Lincoln to the Opera House. Even though this attraction scared the living daylights out of me in 1968, I have grown very fond of it over the decades since then. "The Disneyland Story: Featuring Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln." … is slated to open September 26th, 2009”. I might actually be on hand for that opening.

Today’s featured ticket was donated to me by none other the Gorilla who claims not to blog, but he really has an amazing blog (link). Thanks Major! Check out this rare first issue Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln ticket. It’s from a June 1965 Junior ticket book. At first glance it’s just a run of the mill Mr. Lincoln Ticket. But notice a few things;
  1. The upper right indicates the attraction opens July 1965, which one might ask “why did they put a ticket in the book if you couldn't use it yet?” I guess to make you come back!
  2. This attraction is brought to you by “Walt Disney” and you are invited as “his” guest, soon “Walt Disney Productions” would invite you to be “their” guest.
  3. Mr. Lincoln isn't “presented” by any sponsor, Lincoln Savings didn’t sign on until 1966. See before & after Lincoln Savings Marque’s from Daveland (1965 & 1966).
  4. Although I believe Mr. Lincoln was always at the Opera House, this first ticket only listed him at “Town Square”.

Major’s ticket book has a date code of 656, for June 1965. There was a second set of ticket books issued for June 1965, with a date code 656A. The “A” designation is less common and was usually done as a replacement for an early season print, at least I think that what it means.

This June 1965 Mr. Lincoln ticket is from the 656A book. The “Open July, 1965” reference is gone. "Walt" is still inviting is to be “his” guest, Abe has found a home at the Opera House, and still no sponsor.

From late 1966 thru 1972, the Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln tickets would look like this 1968 version. Walt has been replaced with a corporation and Lincoln Savings would remain the sponsor thru 1972.

And last up, the back side of the June 1965 ticket book (non “A” version). This would be the first ticket book to include the wording about the complementary Mr. Lincoln ticket.

Thanks again to Major over at Gorilla’s don’t blog. “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”…

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