Thursday, October 1, 2009

Circarama Ticket

Here’s a pretty rare little ticket, measuring in at just one inch by two inches, this is one of the in-park “Stub Style” tickets. The earlier versions of these were for individual rides (link) and later they had only lettered (A thru E) designations.

This Circarama ticket is naturally undated, but I think its from the 1950’s. I need to research this more but the last appearance of “Circarama” was on the 1959 “C” ticket? (link). By 1960 Circarama was nowhere to be found on any tickets or the paid attractions list (link). Maybe the new “American the Beautiful” was our gift from the Bell System? I'd trade this ticket to see either show in a heart beat, even with its nice even serial number...

The back isn’t very exciting.

See more great Circarama photo’s at Daveland, Gorilla’s Don’t Blog and Stuff from the Park.

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