Saturday, October 10, 2009

Trip Report

It’s been a couple of months since my last trip report so this one is extra photo heavy! I’m not a huge fan of the holiday make-over’s at Disneyland, but I’m starting to warm up to the harvest colors for the Halloween celebration. I ended up going to the park Thursday instead of Tuesday, which was fine since the weather was truly made to order, crisp and clear.

First stop the new Disney Gallery that is in the former Bank of Main Street building. You can see full photo essay’s all over the Disney-net-universe, so my focus was on what the other guys didn't focus on – The Vault!!!

Finally I was able to get a decent photo of the Vault, but what's even better is I got to touch it!

There are two original “Shag” style works of art in the small vault, if you have 12 or 16 thousand dollars you can part with they can be yours.

OK so the art work is cool, but what the heck is this on the back wall of the vault? My first guess was one of those tubes that uses air to shoot messages upstairs, but that’s not what it is. Is it for emergency air? I was so temped to “Turn Tee handle" and "Pull out fully” just to see what happens… It looks very “1955” what ever it is. KatellaGate, no pressure, but I’m expecting you to know what this is…

The rest of the gallery has the some classics, including these two gems.

These beauties were sort of hidden in the corner. I was not able to get a clear shot of the “Ghost Galaxy” poster on the left. Speaking of Space Mountain’s “Ghost Galaxy”, I rode it and really enjoyed it. It’s very dark and understated which was perfect, a true case of less is better.

In the Mr. Lincoln preshow area they have moved the big 1955 model to a windowed display and tilted it so it’s super easy to see now. I never noticed that Adventureland was a dead end and had no pathway to the Rivers of America.

Speaking of models, they’ve got the original Splash Mountain model on display, it’s so cool and very difficult to photograph!

Here's the real thing just 30 minutes later. Hey, it looks just like the model!

The preshow area also has some great photos of Walt, not sure if they were in there before, but it’s sure nice to see them.

Back out at town square, the fire engine is gleaming as always.

You’re going to see lots of yellow and orange in this post.

Stunningly bright flowers.

Speaking of stunning, this version of Alice really caught my eye.

For telling Alice “Good morning” I got this cute smile.

I started to ask the Mad Hatter if he would take my picture with Alice and when he saw she was smiling I got the "hand" and he told me that he and Alice had to leave because they were late for a very important date! And they really left, what a stinker!

Obligatory castle shot showing the light crowds.

Dreamy aint it?

Monorail Red is running tip-top.

Three Fences is doing very well. I leaned way over for this shot.

The whole grassy area around three fences is not doing so well. How about some water and new grass? This looks like my backyard; it even smells (dry) like it.

Monorail Orange making its Halloween appearance.

It looks like the Smurf’s must be out for the day.

This is a rare sight; someone using a payphone! In reality, this man was desperately talking to his cellar phone company trying to reprogram his cell phone, the poor man.

These make perfect Halloween decorations.

Here kitty kitty kitty

As more guests gathered and “talked” to the kitty he/she hissed and spit and turned into a bit of a beast.

Where’s my sack of sugar when I need it!

Ok, I’ve seen the white ones before, but these look new or did I just never notice them?

The Columbia gets some tender love and care.

I did mention it was a beautiful day right?

Getting hungry at 10:30am at Disneyland does not leave you many options, it's too late for breakfast and too early for lunch. The Bengal Barbeque was open so I decided to give it a try.

Yes, I’ve been to Disneyland about 100 times in the last 15 years and I've never ate here. I thought they only had those turkey legs (turns out they don’t even sell those!). I got the Chieftain Chicken Skewer and it was so yummy I went back for a second one.

The moat and its connecting waterway’s were pretty much drained. The waterways on the Frontierland side were really getting gross, I think I saw mosquitoes hatching.

They are pumping a small amount of water into the waterways that flow thru to the Frontierland and Adventureland entrances. It's such a small amount it doesn’t seem to look like its moving.

Wow, that really is a draw bridge; I always figured it was just welded in the open position, maybe not?

What do you suppose the huge concrete squares are for?

Disneyland or the swamps in Florida?

Snow White was still singing.

I know, never stare into the sun, what about taking pictures into the sun?

These bright flowers at the hub look great, but they smell like 3 day old road kill.

Mighty and Majestic.

I’m happy to report the new Monorail awning got itself some proper lights, they replaced these (link) – thank you whoever did that!

I call this one “Speedramp to my dreams of youth” when can I get on?

A quick trip on the E.P. Ripley from Tomorrowland to Main Street Station. You can't really see it in this photo, but the "Engineer" was a beautiful young blond haired woman, WoW, I think the train was whistling on its own!

Fun displays at the Main Street Station. You’ve seen some of that stuff here on this blog!

Hey, some of these are just reprints glued to cardboard? I'd be happy to loan them some of my tickets!

Was this an actual ticket window at one time? I’m thinking it was.

Inside it’s mocked up to look like a turn of the century ticket booth, nice touch, its all in the details.

Time to leave the park, one last look at the fall colors.

His ride was over, but he didn’t want to exit the vehicle, can you blame him?

This was my attempt to get a photo of the Keelboat that’s backstage. As you can see, I snapped it at the wrong time, nice monorail shot, but I missed the Gullywumper entirely. She’s still back there, in fact, she’s on a wheeled dolly thing and just needs some TLC to be River worthy. My prediction – In the Summer 2010, you’ll see her on the river again.

Heading away from the park towards Lincoln Avenue you’ll find this place, anyone want to join me for some tap beer?

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