Friday, March 18, 2011

Ghost Town & Calico Railway’s Grand Excursion Tickets

Time for some vintage Knott’s Berry Farm Tickets. But first here’s the cover to the 1953 booklet that tells the history of Denver and Rio Grande narrow-gauge railway and how it ties into the trains at Knott’s. Come back on Bonus Sunday for the entire booklet (59 pages) there’s some great early photos of the trains at Knott’s and lots of neat facts and drawings.

The Ghost Town and Calico Railway’s Grand Excursion tickets have always been pretty cool. They really go for authenticity; I think the different shaped punch marks are a nice touch. You can see the tickets got smaller over the years, the later version isn’t even on safety paper but at least it’s still only 50¢! The larger ticket is HUGE, these are scanned on an uncropped 18" by 12" piece of construction paper.

The Child tickets did see price increase somewhere along the way. No gun play in the lounge cars!

The back cover to the booklet, see the inside on Bonus Sunday.

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