Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Knott's Butterfield Stage Line Tickets

Since we’ve seen a lot of the Knott’s Berry Farm train lately it seems only fair to show off the other transportation ride that’s still at the farm too.

These Butterfield Stage Line tickets are undated but most likely from the 1950’s. Neat stagecoach graphics, classic talk about the possibility of the driver getting killed and your ticket being free if you bring the stage to the next station, of course that’s if you didn’t shoot driver.

While it’s not my favorite Globe Ticket safety paper, the Dillingham Ticket Co. had some pretty nice safety paper too. I think its great that both of these ticket companies are still in business.

From Gorilla’s Don’t Blog, this 1967 view of the Butterfield Stagecoach sure does look inviting.

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