Monday, May 11, 2009

Radio & Television News - August 1956

Welcome to Magazine Monday! Picking up a magazine from the “Obscure” stack, today’s feature is “Radio & Television News” from August 1956. This appears to be a magazine for Radio & TV repair and sales stores.

This two page Disneyland article is all about the sounds of Adventureland and the Jungle Cruise. Although not as tech savvy as today’s systems, the original sound effects system was pretty astonishing in its complexity and the realism it provided.

Cartridge-type” players and Dual tracks with auto reverse! I wonder where the room with all these machines was/is located.

The advertisements are aimed at TV repair men, but still fun to look at. That lady is mad as heck; she “missed her favorite program” because the repair man put in a cheap picture tube! Hasn't she ever heard of Tivo?

Wow, that’s a big TV Camera and its not even Color! Can you believe your cell phone takes better video than this monster? And your cell phone has the recording studio built in; CBS isn’t showing you the room full of equipment that it actually takes to run this beast.

Have you ever heard of the New Isophase Sound? Me either. I guess it never caught on, looks like it should be in the House of the Future.

Use this beautiful Viking to crank up your Isophase speakers. That tape deck sparkles like a jewel.

Tired of repairing radios and TV’s all day? Since it 1956 and the cold war is ramping up, why not go work for IBM and their project “Sage”. Should you be caught or captured, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

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