Saturday, December 29, 2007

A not so "Vintage" Disneyland Ticket

The only thing Vintage about today's post is me and how long I had to wait in line last night to get this Annual Pass! It was well worth it however, it's my first pass and I plan to use it plenty.

I arrived at the park at 5pm, somehow I thought I could just pop in and get my AP then lazily roam around Disneyland, taking in the nice crisp winter air, fat chance! The park was as crowded inside as I have ever seen it, ever!

Here is my Big Thunder Mountain Fast Pass, I never made it to 9:10pm to use it. I kinda knew I was going to keep it anyway, yes I collect Fast Passes too....

Just as the Parade was ending (along with my patience) I got a Dole Whip to go and then started to head down the right side of Main Street to leave. It was then that the crowd control CM's started pointing everyone going south around to the right side of the Coke Corner and BEHIND Main Street.

I have read that this happens when its packed (and did I mention it was packed?). I started walking like one of the many sheep when I realized "wait" I have my Camera!!! I got one shot with the flash off (blurry as heck) and this nice shot below before the CM (you can just see half of her the left) told me "No Pictures Tonight Please"..... The lady in front of me is trying to explain to her children where Disneyland went, she wasn't having much luck. That's the dry dock area for the Jungle Boats on the right.. I walked real sloooow thru this "land"...

And here is a land I thought was gone forever. The "Vast parking Lot Land" Since I arrived at 5pm, I got my first chance to see the roof parking (I usually arrive before the park even opens). It's massive up there. On my walk (or more like a "journey") back to my car, it almost felt like the old parking lot. Here is a shot from where I parked, it's about as far a you can get from the escalators/elevators.

Even with the crowds from H#$@ it was fun and I still enjoy Disneyland. It will be a lot more fun next month when 1/2 of America wont be there at once :-)

Next post? Check Sunday to see...

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