Saturday, February 9, 2008

Family Reunion Free Dinner 1980 - Bye Bye Polaroid

Let’s all have a grand Family Reunion! It’s 1980 and Disneyland is 25 years old, so why not head on down and join the celebration!

To help you enjoy your visit, how about a Family Open House Complimentary Dinner Ticket? I’ll let you pick either September 22, 1980 or September 29, 1980, which ever works best for your time machine. You’ll find me at the Plaza Inn on the 22nd!

Snazzy Guide for the 25th, I had the exact shirt that kid is wearing, Millers Outpost Rocks! The lady on the fare left is scaring me.

*** This news just in yesterday, Polaroid (The presenter of today’s 1980 Guide) has announced they are no longer going to make instant film. (news link). Oh my, this saddens me deeply. I have a few Polaroid Camera’s, I guess they go in the “useless” box along with my Polavison Instant movie camera that I coincidently purchased new in 1980, when they were basically giving them away ***

So, cheer up, and take a look at the “good old days” on the back of this 1980 Guide. Borrow a Polaroid camera free (or Polavison, see, I’m not crazy!) Or best yet, get a full 8 by 10 Family Reunion Portrait on a replica of the Lilly Belle. I still want to see one of these 8 by 10 Polaroid’s, I wonder how they looked?

An now that you have a free Dinner Ticket, your Color Guide, and your free Polaroid Camera, here is a 15 Adventure Ticket book so you can enjoy the rest of your visit in 1980! Remember, 15 tickets and 40+ attractions, “good things come to those who chose wisely

$9.25! Inflation starts to set in. But hey, it’s a $16.60 value, not $16.50, but $16.60!

Tomorrow; Double Complete Guide Book Sunday!!!! As promised early in the week, I will post the entire 1974 Walt Disney World Guide and in honor or Polaroid, I will post the entire 1980 Disneyland Guide shown above…

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