Monday, February 18, 2008

Star Tours 1987 - Part 2

Today let’s take another look at the Star Tours Grand Opening. In part one of the Star Tours post (link) we learned that the update plan for the Adventure Thru Inner Space area was originally going to be based on Disney's 1979 "The Black Hole". That idea still intrigues me; yes the movie was mediocre at best and a black hole financially. But it had some great sets, cool space scenes, robots, rockets and lots of future stuff. Plus it would have actually been tied to Disney.

With that said, I do love Star Tours, it’ fun and “dated” just enough for me. Today’s two featured ticket scans were most kindly donated by Major over at "Gorilla’s Don’t Blog"(link). Thank you Major!!!!

Our first ticket is an “Interplanetary Launch” for Thursday, January 8, 1987 - 7pm to midnight. Hey that's four days before the cast premiere on my part one post! This ticket really is the First Launch. I like the little stub for a special meal; I’ll take mine from The Space Place! These Star Wars graphics are nice, although C3PO doesn’t look very happy; maybe he’s upset because they mounted his feet to that platform?

This next one is fascinating to me. I would say this is the ancestor to the Fast Pass. You had to present this at 11:15 to get on the attraction. I wonder why this one was never used, someone lost out! “May the force be with you” nice touch…

Here is a photo of how I remember Star Tours. HUGE Lines! This photo comes from Raymond over at “New Fantomorrontierstreet Land Videblog” he has some incredible photo’s (all his own I believe) of Disneyland in the 80’s and 90’s, you should give his blog a visit, you will enjoy it! (link)

And now, of course, a few 1987 Guide Book scans with Star Tours in it! I only have one Guide Book from 1987, there may be one dedicated to Star Tours, but I have not seen it (If it’s out there, I gotta get it).

Here is a close-up of the StarSpeeder 3000. Is that Captain EO I see in the bottom right corner?

And the Tomorrowland Page – Lots of Mickey ears - lots to do here, I miss this Tomorrowland.

Thanks again to Major for the contributions, I really enjoy seeing new stuff and sharing it with everyone. It’s one of the main reasons for this blog….

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