Thursday, April 29, 2010

Disneyland in Slides December 1962 - Part Four

Welcome to Disneyland in Slides December 1962 - Part Four. Sadly this is the last set of images from this batch. If this first one had more color and was brighter it would be post card worthy. Is he counting his balloon strings/inventory?

The next three are dull and lack sharpness, but this first one makes up for it with some construction walls in the background!!!

I suppose I never noticed, but did the band used to wear red uniforms in the old days and when did they switch to white?

The band is heading through Adventureland? Ticket Booth on the left! Construction walls dead ahead! Are those for New Orleans Square in 1962??.

Here's where it all ends. The man in the lower right looks very familiar, is it possible we've seen him in other slides? Or does he just have that "Ive seen him before" look?

Believe it or not, the February 1959 set of slides (from this same photographer) are even better than these with one huge exception, they have lost almost all of their color, leaving lots of RED! Hopefully some will be worth posting.

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