Monday, April 26, 2010

Disneyland in Slides December 1962 - Part One

In an effort to organize my ticket & paper collection (if you could see my blogger desk you’d scream!) I’m taking a few days to re-group. The next few posts will be me pretending I’m one of the big boy slide bloggers.

Every once in a while I’d bid on slides on EBay, but my self imposed limit of $10 keeps my wins far & few between. We should all be VERY thankful to the slide bloggers out there; these images generally do not come cheap. That said, I recently snagged a box of 120 "Mixed" slides for $5.50! It was poorly listed and showed a bunch of tame/boring Marineland slides, it only got one other bid so I wasn't really sure what to expect.

Turns out it was a pretty good deal with over 50 slides of Disneyland! The photographer pretty much kept to the attractions, just a few "guest"shots. There are over 30 nice images of Disneyland from December 1962. There are also about 20+ Disneyland slides from February 1959, those have turned rather pink but are excellent views. We’ll see about them later, but now let’s get started with the December 1962 batch.

These are presented in the original (odd) order and with my mediocre scanning skills. I’m open to suggestions on how to improve these. They are “Kodak Ektachrome Transparency’s” that seem a little too “blue” I played with the levels just a bit. Looks like our December 1962 guests were staying at the Disneyland Hotel. I’m a car buff but even I don’t know what the first car on the left is?

The Monorail Room and Monorail Lounge, were they the same place?

This slide is marked “Vida & Marin Disneyland Hotel patio 12/62” is that an orange tree?

Not many guests using the pool on this overcast day in December 1962. Unfortunately, it appears to be overcast in many of these slides, however they do offer an amazing amount of detail.

Guided Tour anyone? I don’t think I’ve seen the tour booth setup here before; did they do that for very long?

Here’s a nice inclusive shot; Matterhorn (with star), Skyway, General Dynamics Subs, Monorail beam & sign, the Yacht Bar (club?) and vintage fence!

Tomorrowland central ticket booth spotted on the left! Rare early wheelchair sighting as well.

Nice close up of the Richfield eagle - but the slide is a bit dirty!

An "OK" shot of the sub lagoon, where's three fences?

Douglas has hi-jacked the Rocket to the Moon. I see a ticket booth, attraction posters, the flying saucers and a super cool entrance to the Rocket to the Moon.

Come back tomorrow for part two (of four) as we enter Fantasyland.


The slide below is actually about 32nd in order, but its so cool I just had to jump ahead and share it today. Simply marked "Candle Display - Disneyland 12/62" what a neat picture! Some of the slides in the upcoming posts from this series are really great (and some are grainy and dark) - stay tuned.

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