Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Knott’s Preserved - in paper

Once again I can’t say enough about how wonderful the Knott’s Preserved event was on Sunday. I’m just getting into the book and so far it’s just as splendid as the event. There was so much information presented on Sunday that it was a bit over whelming, however, now the book is even more inviting, plus I can re-read each page and my “Dick & Jane” reading level.

The camera stayed in the car, I left the image taking to better qualified hands, he sure took a lot of photos, and I bet we’ll see them soon. So today’s post will be the paper stuff from the event, if you were there, you’ve seen it, but be sure to scroll to the bottom there's a couple of new scans. Just like Ghost Town these paper items have a well worn look to them, in this case it's a result of cramming everything in my back pocket!

I did everything but the Grand Avenue Tour. I was booked for the 12:00 show, but I blew it off to go on Ghost Rider with Major Pepperidge, it was a blast! The 10am Book signing was in one of the older dining rooms and went very smoothly, and I got a little bonus autograph too! Chris Merritt’s Multi-Media presentation was very entertaining and informative – Chris received a much deserved roaring standing ovation! The Chicken Dinner was excellent as well, all you could eat too!

The panel discussion was amazing, so much information, boy I hope someone video taped this event. Everyone was charming and funny. Dean Davisson (public relations at Knott’s 1958-76) is an older gentleman but very lucid and conveyed some amazing personal stories about Walter Knott that I had assumed had been lost to time. I left Walter’s farm feeling I knew a lot more about he man than when I walked in that morning.

$55 was the price for the event, which included entry to the farm and the chicken dinner buffet, plus the presentations, this was one heck of a deal! As one of my new blog reader friends said “the nerdity-value-to-ticket-cost-ratio was off the charts” amen to that!

This postcard was given to me by Werner Weiss who I met during the dinner buffet, a very nice man who has a web site where I’ve visited every single page, more than once, I know you've done it too!…

The Ghost Town Tour was the perfect mid-day event. Presented by Phil Brigandi and with additional comments from Chris Jepsen of O.C. Historical Roundup (nice meeting you Chris!). These guys know their Knott’s! Wow, I learned a lot, again so much to absorb but at the same time the history of Knott’s and specifically Walter's Ghost Town was all starting to make sense to me now.

Fortunately we got these neato guide flyers to go with the tour.

There’s a ton of information on these center pages, click here (link) for a larger copy.

Since I didn’t take the Grand Avenue tour, does anyone know if there was an info sheet for that tour as well?

From Ghost Town News (that I still need to post, oops), most of these things are still at the farm! It was announced at one of the events that the “CATAWAMPUS” would be returning to the farm. We actually found a “catawampus” in Ghost Town, but it was small and kind of silly, I think they’re actually bringing this one back or one just like it.

At the very end of the panel discussion they opened it up for questions and answers. I had a question but of course I was to chicken to ask it. My question was, in the photo below, I’ve heard a persistent rumor that “Grandma” is indeed Walter Knott in a dress, is that true? It does sort of look like him, and from what I learned on Sunday, I bet if someone asked him he would have done it no questions asked, except, “where do you want me to stand”?

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