Thursday, April 8, 2010

Indiana Jones Adventure - Boarding Pass

From 1995 here’s your Boarding Pass for the new Indiana Jones Adventure attraction in Adventureland.

I like the THX-1138 references, how many average Disneyland guests even know what that represents?

Too bad this passport doesn’t have its stamp. I wonder if it’s the same stamp as this ticket (link).

Details from the web: "This unique bording bass is designed to look like a passport and was produced by the Walt Disney Company and Lucas Film LTD. Inside when you open the passport you will see the date of March 1995, place of birth date of March 1935, a thumb print and the issue number of 1138. On the other inside page you have a visa entry stamp space, and the following: The team leader of the Mara expedition by requests all whom it may concern to permit the guest named in to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all lawful aid or protection. Present to a site archaeologist a the Temple Of The forbidden Eye Adventureland For one entry into the Indiana Jones Adventure. By the way if you translate the first group of symbals at the top of our item they translate to the word Passport. This very cool item was only handed out to the press and dignitaries for use on the opeing day of the ride."

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