Friday, March 7, 2008

Disneyland Schedule Sheet - April 1964

Today we are looking at a little 4 3/4 by 9 inch Disneyland Schedule sheet. It's from April 1964. For reference, it's "M-26" whatever that means? Looking at the holes in the top I would guess this was in some sort of binder. Were these for the ticket booths? Nah, the workers probably knew these prices in their sleep!

Children under 3 years of age are free.... "However, they must be held by parents on all rides".

Here's a couple of ticket book backs from 1964. I have so few 15 adventure books in my collection and no 1964 ones, I guess most people went for the "cheaper" deal.

Here's an interesting book that is NOT in the Schedule. This is from June 1964, just two months after the "Schedule" in today's post. I have only seen these "20" books from June 1964.

And just for good measure and cause I love um so, here is a 1964 "E" Ticket. I'm in a "Pack Mules" mood, I want to ride on the trail over the tunnel near Cascade Peak.....

Check out this interesting discussion over at Micechat (link). It's called "Would you like Disneyland better with ticket books today?" It veers off into and AP digression, but interesting none the less.

And on a sad note, the "E" Ticket Magazine ceased production. (link). These were a great source for me and many of you as well I bet. Cherish the copies you have, they are already climbing in value on EBay!

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