Monday, March 31, 2008

Knott's Berry Farm - The "B" Ticket part 2

If you missed part 1 of this series, you can find it here; Knott’s Berry Farm – The “B” ticket part 1

Part 2 of the “B” ticket series will cover 1975 thru 1978, four years that saw many changes at the Farm. As you may recall, from the late 1960’s thru 1974, Knott’s only had the “A” and the “B” ticket.

The Knott’s family was getting very ambitious in the early 1970’s, new themed area’s and many of new attractions. As proof of this rapid expansion the ticket book went from 1974 having A-B to 1975 having A-B-C-D. The entire look of the tickets also changed and they sure look at lot more like the kind the mouse uses….

    Due to the fact that there are now 4 ticket type’s versus just 2, the attraction lineup on this May 1975 “B” ticket is almost completely changed from 1974. The only attraction remaining on the “B ticket is the “Fiesta Wheel” in Fiesta Village.

    From Ghost Town the “Haunted Shack” and “Calico Railroad” have moved in, down from the “A” ticket. In the “also usable” category; “Independence Hall”, “Henry’s Auto Livery” and “Burro Trail” all moved down from the 1974 “A” ticket as well.

    The New Roaring 20’s land had two new attractions. The “Whirlwind” a Himalaya ride, later renamed “Greased Lightning” (you’ll see on a “B’ ticket in part three) And “Wheeler Dealer” bumper cars that I believe are still at Knott’s.

    May 1976 finds two more new attractions for Knott’s Roaring 20’s land. “Propeller Spin” this is a “Roundup” (link) And “Loop Trainer Flying Machine” a “Schwarzkopf Enterprise” (link) both of these spinning wonders were removed in 1989. "Whirlwind" and "Wheeler Dealer" now show “min. height required” don’t panic, this printed requirement will be gone in 1978!

    This Child “B” is from May 1977. Missing is the “Propeller Spin”, moved down to the “C” ticket already. See more info about this ticket below.

    New on the above 1977 “B” ticket was the “Gasoline Alley Auto Race”. This is one of the many “mini-car” rides at Knott’s. Here from a post by Chris Merritt on Gorilla’s Don’t Blog This is what Chris had to say about this ride:

    Lastly, for those of you mentioning the Motorcycle Chase/Wacky Soap Box Racers area - you are describing yet a fourth (!) little car attraction - the 'Gasoline Alley Auto Race' little car ride, which would be..."Intertwined with the Motorcycle Chase … Gasoline Alley Auto Race featuring antique gasoline-powered cars popularized in the 20s era. The cars are the first of their kind to be powered by Honda engines. Cyclists and drivers will sometimes race side by side over the course which resemble a 1920s countryside with berry fields, fishing ponds, hobo camps, and wind their way through the three-level roadway interchange – making it one of the most exciting race layouts in the country…" These little cars were meant to be Stutz Bearcats, not Model T's.

    And Chris had a link to this picture, thanks Chris!

    Last ticket for today, from May 1978. First notice its 65 cents now, darn inflation of the late 1970’s! “Knott’s Bear-y Tales” had moved down the country road from the “A” ticket. See a GREAT post about Knott’s Bear-y Tales at Outside the Berm (link). Also added to Fiesta Village was the Cinema Grande removed in the 1980’s.

    Back in the days when everyone gave out matches!

    Even the matches were promoting the new Roaring 20’s area!

    Here is the cover of an amazing Knott’s Souvenir Edition guide book from 1975/76. This is the finest one of these I have every seen. 35 large pages, all color, zillions of photo’s, great text, nice clean layout, outstanding overall. I will have the entire guide available this coming Bonus Sunday.

    Knott’s fans be sure to check back later this week. We will be having a Knott’s Map Comparison Blowout! Eight high resolution scans of the LARGE maps from 1951 thru 2005.

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